I just came back. I went shopping with my brother to buy some stuffs.
Same thing happened again. Some guys were following me..Dei, seriously I don't like it.
But, there's a guy he's the most obvious. I can see that he's following me obviously.Even my brother and the workers there noticed it. But, seriously that guy looks like Ashraf Muslim.. OMG!
But, who cares??? He keep on following me like he's my bodyguard. Hei! Even bodyguard never did something obvious like that ok?
I asked my brother to pay all the stuffs at the payment counter and I quickly ran to upstairs..
Fuhhhh...lega gilaaaa. Now, his shadow is gone.gone...Now, i'm free! No one, following me! Yayay.
BUT, a few minutes after that. It happened again. Argh! Don't want to write about it anymore. It just make my bloggey looks messy.
I bought 2 pieces of Kertas Mahjung, 1 Staedtler 8B pencil for my sketch and 1 Artline glue stick.
I saw Ajis and Cikgu Shuhaimie there. I buat derk jer. Segan nak tegur. haha =) Ajis was just like looking at me and i know what's in his mind. " Aik? macam kenal je budak tu, tapi sape ek ?" and " Oh, Nisa rupanya, patutlah nmpak mcm kenal je." teehee. Dei, I CAN READ HIS MIND DEI.
Yeah, almost forgot to mention that, Sera also bought some eggs, milk, butter....
I'm baking CUPCAKES tomorrow! huhu... I wish that my cupcake is the best cupcake I've ever ate. Hooray. Wish me luck, yeah! hehe...
If possible, maybe Iqmal is coming tomorrow. We have to discuss about our presentation. We were given less than a week to prepare it. So, better we do it as soon as possible.
CUPCAKES for you Iqmal! haha... just if you come to my house la. lol