Monday, December 27, 2010


Alhamdulillah...Pasukan Harimau Muda menang lagi.Memang happy sangat la..
Pasukan Garuda ditewaskan 3 - 0 pulak tu. bukan senang tau. Finally, impian kita semua tercapai. amin ~

Kalaulah tadi dapat pergi ambil gambar masa dorang tengah bertarung dengan Indonesia tu...
KAN BEST?? entah bila la nak dapat peluang ambil gambar bola pulak. Tapi masalahnya nak pergi tengok perlawanan secara Live pun tak dapat, ni pulak nak ambil gambar...

Pergh! Tadi masa tengok perlawanan tu Live kat tv, memang meriah lah nampaknya kat stadium tu. Mana la tak meriah kalau stadium tu penuh? Selalunya kalau ada perlawanan pun, yang datang beri sokongan moral pun sikit sangat. Stadium nampak lengang je.

By the way, Syabas kepada Harimau Muda kerana telah berjaya menentang Indonesia.
3 - 0 tu... nanti ada lagi perlawanan di Jakarta, all the best ya! Tundukkan Indonesia tu, baru dia tau betapa hebatnya pemain kita...ececeh~


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Media Pass for LTdL 2011

Finally dapat pun update blog...yay!

Le Tour de Langkawi kembali lagi! Acara berprestij yang saya sukakan ini akan berlangsung dari 23 Januari 2011 - 1 Februari 2011. Maksudnya ada 10 stages! yahoo...

Tapi, kali ini para pelumba takkan lalu kat pd lagi macam tahun ni =(
Acara yang akan datang ini pula bermula di Langkawi. Mampoih. Naik flight? argh~ bising papa nanti =) kalau tak macamne? sera tak boleh drive la...ggrrr.
Nanti nak tumpang siapa? dah la photogpraher semua LELAKI...setakat ni tak jumpa lagi photog perempuan. adoish...

Dan lagi satu benda yang selalu buat saya pening kepala adalah PASS MEDIA tu. pergh~ nak daparkan punyalah susah sebab kali ini kerajaan yang anjurkan, bukan Uncle Astaman lagi =(
Kalau tak, dah lama dah pass tu berada di dalam tangan saya. ~sigh~
Dah try dah banyak cara. sana sini merata semua ditanya mengenai pass tu. Tetapi masih tiada jawapan lagi.

Terharu sangat apabila ramai kenalan yang ingin tolong, tetapi apakan daya... Mereka tidak janji sebaliknya berusaha untuk mendapatkan pass tersebut untuk saya... terima kasih semua!

Pass belum dapat lagi! sekarang dah nak penghujung disember! takkanlah nak goyang kaki lagi?
So, tak kiralah susah mana pun, saya tetap akan berusaha bersungguh2 untuk dapatkan PASS MEDIA itu..saya juga perlukan pertolongan rakan - rakan saya...Wish me luck yeah~



Sunday, September 12, 2010

cyclist at melbourne

salleh harrif

Please, never let this madness take place

11/9/2001 will always be remembered for the insane acts of terrorism and cruelty that man is capable of inflicting.
It doesn't matter whether you believe the official US account of what happened, or the theories that have been put forth by many others.

Pastor Terry Jones's threat to burn the Holy Qur'an is no less an act of terrorism one that will cut a deep wound in the hearts and psyche of a great many Muslims, a wound that will take a long, long time to heal, if ever.

Why will the US government not pre-emptively put a stop to this madness, before it is too late ?

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

boo.He's a loser.


Actually he's not. He's a good guy who always 'membebel' at me.But, it seems ok to me because he didn't 'membebel'. In fact, he motivated me. I have my personal Motivator. Yayay!!!
yes, he did it. Thank you BR.

Well, this in not the point of this entry actually. gagagaga =)


Thursday, August 26, 2010 is too much.

I am so happy when I receive the news about the latest canon's breed, CANON EOS 60D is launched today. Yayay! sorry, too excited to hear about this =)

Don't you think that technology nowadays moving too fast? Fews months ago, Canon EOS 7D and Canon EOS 5D Mark II became sensational in photography world. And I'm soo lucky because I have the chance to use Canon EOS 7D. My father just bought it few months ago.
IT IS SUPERB. totally superb.
I'm addicted to it as it satisfied me with the quality of pictures which is wayyy better than the other model of Canon. Well, good job Canon!

I am mainly using Canon EOS 50D . I have nothing to complain about it.
It is good. =)

Canon EOS 60D announced and previewed

Canon has unveiled the EOS 60D mid-level DSLR, replacing the EOS 50D.
However, following the launch of the EOS 7D, the 60D has been repositioned in the market, so isn't a simple upgrade to its predecessor.
Instead the 60D is a smaller camera featuring an articulated screen and plastic body shell and utilizing SD memory cards.
It combines the 18MP CMOS sensor and 1040k dot 3.0" LCD from the EOS 550D (Rebel T2i) with the AF system from the 50D.
Meanwhile it gains the 7D's HD movie capability.
It's a chance to use a pre-production 60D so have prepared a hands-on preview, including sample images and movies.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

No title

Can I have a day without tears?
Can I ? Can I ?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Guess what?

I love you so much, lalink. Misss u misss u misss u.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A place for myself

All this time, I was busy taking other's pictures.But this time is for myself. Even other photographers said that.

They said: "Sera ohhh Sera, kau ni asyik amek gamba orang lain jer. Kenapa kau tak amek gamba sendiri? Kan lagi bagus ?"

I replied: "This is my hobby. I suka amek gamba orang lain sebab kenangan macamtu susah nak cari tau. I memang suka amek gamba. Kecuali gambar I sendiri la. My life wouldn't complete without photography.

They replied me: Ohh ok, Sera. Kitorang tau you bukan jenis yang syok sendiri and your artwork. Kami kagum Sera. Walaupun you ni "budak kecik", tapi you pnya artwork boleh kalahkan "budak besar" ok?

Sera: oh..haha. mana ade.I ni biasa je la =)

Hey you...

ILY!!! It's the initial for the word...haha. Lu pikir la sendiri ya! lol

Monday, August 02, 2010

Dengarlah rintihan seorang gadis...

Entry kali ini mungkin akan menyebabkan orang lain kecil hati, tapi aku harus tulis untuk dijadikan pengajaran kepada kita semua...

Jujur memang aku ni bukan perempuan yang alim, kuat agama, ataupun mahir dalam bab-bab agama. Tapi, kalau bab-bab ni, aku tak boleh diam. Kerana ini semua demi kebaikan kita bersama.

Aku sedih...amat sedih apabila aku melihat bangsaku hampir musnah. Bangsaku, Agamaku, Islam sepatutnya menjadi contoh kepada yang lain. Tetapi sebaliknya. Aku rasa malu dengan bangsa-bangsa lain yang jauh lebih maju dan berpendidikan tinggi..

Aku MALU apabila...

...99% dalam kalangan "Mat Rempit" adalah bangsaku.Ini adalah FAKTA...
...Bayi yang dibuang merata-rata dilakukan oleh remaja-remaja bangsaku...
...Budak Melayu mencarut mengalahkan Mat Saleh di hadapan bangsa lain...
...Segelintir kaumku pergi ke kelab malam, berfoya-foya,mabuk sampai tak ingat dunia...
...kebanyakan penghuni pusat pemulihan dadah adalah bangsaku...
...Remaja-remaja lepak di shopping complex dgn pakaian yg tidak melambangkan bangsa kita spt pakaian serba hitam dgn celak yg amatlah tebal ala-ala Black Metal...
...Kebanyakan Melayu hanya menjadi hamba kepada cina yang kaya-raya.Dorang taat kepada "tuan" dorang sampaikan kaum kita sendiri rasa terhina...

Sejak kecil lagi, sewaktu di sekolah rendah darjah 3 aku dah mula rasa malu dgn kawan2 ku di sekolah cina kerana sikap murid Melayu yg memalukan. kebanyakannya kelas hujung2, liat nak belajar, dan selalu buat hal.. Yg aku tau, hanya aku dan Farhan kelas pertama. Dan itu dikira amatlah power kerana bukan senang nak masuk kelas pertama kerana persaingannya teramat-amatlah sengit. Aku dan Farhan dihormati oleh pelajar dan guru2 di sekolah itu..Syukur. ( tapi, aku takde niat nak show off ya, hnya ingin terus terang )

Ini hanyalah sebahagian..belum aku senaraikan semua sekali..
Sepatutnya kita yang akan menjadi pemimpin negara ini pada masa hadapan. Tapi, kalaulah masalah macamni berterusan, macamne kita nak memimpin negara kita sendiri?? Ingat tu.

Sanggupkah anda melihat negara Malaysia kita ini dipimpin oleh bangsa lain?
Kalaulah betul terjadi, bayangkan apa yang akan terjadi kepada negara kita..terutamanya bangsa Melayu kita.
Ada kemungkinan juga kita ditindas,dizalimi, ataupun dihina???
Masjid dan surau tidak boleh melaungkan azan???
Kita jadi hamba abdi kepada bangsa lain???
Tidak mustahil ini semua akan berlaku.

Sebab itulah kita kena berilmu, hanya ilmu yang membezakan kita dengan orang lain.
Tanpa ilmu, dapatkah kita memimpin tanah air sendiri? Confirm tak dapat...Mustahil.

Banyak pengajaran yg dapat kita peroleh setelah melihat apa yg terjadi kepada bangsa kita pada hari ini. Kalau dah buat salah tu, jgnlah ditambah lagi, nanti parah, susah nak diubat.

Aku cintakan mu, Wahai bangsa dan Agamaku.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


I just came back. I went shopping with my brother to buy some stuffs.

Same thing happened again. Some guys were following me..Dei, seriously I don't like it.

But, there's a guy he's the most obvious. I can see that he's following me obviously.Even my brother and the workers there noticed it. But, seriously that guy looks like Ashraf Muslim.. OMG!

But, who cares??? He keep on following me like he's my bodyguard. Hei! Even bodyguard never did something obvious like that ok?


I asked my brother to pay all the stuffs at the payment counter and I quickly ran to upstairs..

Fuhhhh...lega gilaaaa. Now, his shadow is gone.gone...Now, i'm free! No one, following me! Yayay.

BUT, a few minutes after that. It happened again. Argh! Don't want to write about it anymore. It just make my bloggey looks messy.

I bought 2 pieces of Kertas Mahjung, 1 Staedtler 8B pencil for my sketch and 1 Artline glue stick.

I saw Ajis and Cikgu Shuhaimie there. I buat derk jer. Segan nak tegur. haha =) Ajis was just like looking at me and i know what's in his mind. " Aik? macam kenal je budak tu, tapi sape ek ?" and " Oh, Nisa rupanya, patutlah nmpak mcm kenal je." teehee. Dei, I CAN READ HIS MIND DEI.

Yeah, almost forgot to mention that, Sera also bought some eggs, milk, butter....

I'm baking CUPCAKES tomorrow! huhu... I wish that my cupcake is the best cupcake I've ever ate. Hooray. Wish me luck, yeah! hehe...

If possible, maybe Iqmal is coming tomorrow. We have to discuss about our presentation. We were given less than a week to prepare it. So, better we do it as soon as possible.

CUPCAKES for you Iqmal! haha... just if you come to my house la. lol

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010


Actually, I knew who is he when I saw his picture. It's proved. He's kinda of PLAYBOY.
He always keep i touch with me, send me messages...
And he indeed gave me ringssss at night. We talk for a long time. Ya, more than 2 hours...
But, luckily his prepaid is enough to chit chat with me till 3 in the morning..
And I know from the way he talk to me, his voice, his laughter...It's shows his personality.
Got the good one, and mostly is the bad one lah... =(

And the best thing is.... Jeng jeng jeng!
Yesterday, I just found out that Kak Sara also don't like him..
I thought I'm the only one who hates him..But, my Kak Sara too...

You want the prove that Kak Sara hates him? Here you are. Read it.


ive been avoiding miloman since few months ago..
i guess things should start to be proffesional from now on.
if he wants to know about me, he can go to my dad.
we didnt fight, its just that i very terasa with him coz of his empty promises, and sweet talks yang in the end hurt you..

GUYS, and their promises.
he's just not man enough for me..
i might have overlooked the fact that he's a strong man who always win,
but now i know he's such a coward, who just doesnt deserve half a chance from a girl like me.

man im wayyy too good for you.

so insyaAllah i'll be expecting to see you, only next year in the races. By then, things might change. might turn awkward, might just not. i cant wait to know how our reactions are goin to be like when we bump into each other. one thing i know is, i'll stop taking photos of him because that's how i got to know him. i'll stop snapping his photos even if he wins. i'll have 20000 pics, without him in it. oh no, talking about this makes me anticipate for next years JELAJAH MALAYSIA and Le tour de Langkawi.

See, I told you !!! It is proved!

p/s: To our Miloman, pleaselah. I hope u'll change.. ok? sorry..

Saturday, July 17, 2010


There's nothing I could say, except...

I miss you, Kak Sara!!! Miss you a lot actually...
I cried everyday even in my sleep because of you Kak Sara. Really...
When I'm in bad mood, I'll cry and think about you...and I'll stop crying..

You know why I stopped crying, Kak Sara??
Yes, it's because of you Kak Sara.

You made me strong.
You changed me.
You inspired me.
You made me realize to appreaciate people around me.

I love you, Kak Sara even though you left me...

Bringing back those sweet memories...

These are some photos I took at Le Tour de Langkawi 2010. ( Stage 5 )

My uncle, Datuk Astaman Aziz

Alnesh Waran & Anuar Manan

Anuar Manan ( right ) won the 5th stage. Congratz, Nua!

Nua interviewed by Media.

From left : Lin Chien Hung, Amri Daud, Me, John Pierce

Lin Chien Hung, Amri Daud, Mokhriz Aziz.

Oki Rosgani. A great and friendly photographer from Indonesia.

Drapac Porsche Team after finishing line

Thursday, July 15, 2010


As you can see, this is Adam. My cute cousin.
I took this pic at Hafiz & Maya's Wedding last week.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lance Armstong leads Alberto Contador, Sanchez, Schleck, and Hesjdal

Lance Armstong

Lance at the finishing line

Pictures by John Pierce. ( Photosport International, England )

:) and :(

:) because Tour de France has started. Yahoo!!! So happy...

:( because Lance Armstrong's result in TdF make me feel dissapointed. I thought he would conquer the stages but he looses! OMG what a shock when I got the news.


I keep on asking myself..
He won 6 times for the past TdF. Imagine that... He's a LEGEND.
But, what happened to my legend now? He's giving up.Yes, he do. I read it at the newspaper last 2 days.. really shocked. He changed...

Oh , come on LANCE~! Sera here supporting you! I'm your true fan.hehe..

Well, let's talk about my friend. His name is....

John Pierce.He's a great photographer from Bristol, England.He's a funny and friendly person.
I still remember when the first time I met him at Le Tour de Langkawi 2010 ( last Mac) .
He's the first person from Media came and chit chat with me about the race and pictures.
And the best thing is... He let me use his CANON EOS 1D!!! huhu... It's big and plus with the big big telephoto lens...Easy to say, It's HUGE !!! and I have problem to handle it. My hand can't support it. So, John Pierce helped me. Thanks a lot John Pierce!

Friday, July 09, 2010


Guess What???

Sensei ( My Japanese Teacher) choosed me to represent our class for the speech contest...
Yayay! Oh ya..Six of us were choosen for it.. Let me list it..

And one more...who is it? forgot la..haish..What la you SERA!! Ish3..

I promised to myself I will do my best.. I will grab the chance.Yes, I must grab it..
Everyday, and almost all the time I will hold the script and memorize it..
It's not easy as what I thought before. I have problem to memorize it. And not only me,
WE ALL DO HAVE PROBLEM WITH IT...I mean to memorize those stuffs..

We are given less than 2 weeks to memorize it. So, I'm focusing a lot to it right now..


Here are the list of the prizes:

1. 2 weeks trip to Japan.
( It's my TARGET. I want to go to Japan. And the best thing is, IT'S FULLY SPONSORED BY JAPAN FOUNDATION!!! huhu...)
2. Some pricey electronic stuffs..
3. Certificate by Japan Foundation ( Diiktiraf satu dunia tuh! POWER...)

Eh, I get to go right now...Have to sleep.. Got classes tomorrow till 5 pm..
Ok, Sayonara all..


Sunday, June 20, 2010

SUKMA 2010

This is some of the picture I took during Regatta.
Hope you enjoy you all enjoy it..
Im the only one wearing baju kurung during Regatta, weird hah?

Lonely la, doink...!
Awan ( My Second Brother) is going to Uniten...
Acir ( Eldest one ) ? He's going to UniMas...
Mama and Papa? Maybe they will transfer to Klang.. with Ariana and Hafiz..

Sera kena duduk rumah atok...Mama suruh..
Bahasa Jepun punya pasal, aku tak dapat pindah ke Klang..

Nanti duduk rumah Aemak ( Nenek Sera), macamne nak main FACEBOOK??
Camera Canon? Maybe semua camera papa bawak pergi Klang....
Nanti gilalah aku tanpa camera...Haish...
Takpe, at least, kalau duduk rumah Aemak, aku bebas sikit..
Sikit je, tak banyak...Haha..

Monday, June 14, 2010


Hurh..boringlah cuti kali ni..
So, Sera buka Facebook, chat dengan kawan- kawan kat KRB.
Atikah Nordin, Ariff Hafizi, Azlan Zawawi, and Abang Amir...
Thanks all kerana sudi temankan Sera..
Kalau takde korang, memang boring gila lah...

Setakat ni jelah untuk post kali ini, ade hal sikit. Kena out. Ok, bbye!!


Saturday, May 29, 2010

For Cyclist.....( And others too! )

Is a good all-round exercise improving endurance.
It tones various muscle groups like the calves, thighs, and hips.
And even strengthens the backs!
An hour of cycling will burn about 350 to 700 calories!!! (hehe, betul ke?)
And is an excellent stress reducer.
Cycling can be good fitness option for those who have over weight problems...

Sorryla, tiba-tiba jer terfikir pasal nih..Hari ini, otak aku lain sikit.. so, inilah benda yang tengah berlegar-legar dalam otak nih...

Friday, May 28, 2010


Dei, after this got piano class la...
Mampos aku kena marah ngan teacher nanti.. Dahla tak practise, theory pun tak buat..
Aku ada masalah sikit dengan theory nih!
Hehe, bukan tak faham, tapi sampai sekarang tak dapat nak masuk dalam otak nih..Pergh!
Teacher cakap Grade ni kena belajar sampai 2 tahun baru boleh ambil exam...
Abang aku sorang tuh dah try Grade nih, tapi dia give up.
Aku pun marah la dia, kena cepat sangat give up kan? Sebab bukannya senang nak belajar ni...
Baru sekarang aku tau kenapa dia give up...
SEBAB MEMANG SUSAH! Rules and Condition dia banyak gilaaaaaa doh!
Exposed 5th and 8ve
Chord Progression
Primary Chords and Cadences
Harmonisation of Bass Lines and

Nak pecah kepala pun ada.
Takpe, This is SeraNisa. Sera takkan give up, Sera nak jadi pemain piano suatu hari nanti macam RICHARD CLAYDERMAN. He's great!
Ok, Sera akan belajar bersungguh-sungguh theory ni. Sera takkan putus asa.
Tengoklah, suatu hari nanti Sera akan jadi pianist yang terkenal (Cewah...)


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

She's My Inspiration...

Yesterday, I saw Kak Sara's blog. I read it from the first entry until the last one.

In my whole life, I never saw person as STRONG as Kak Sara... I said this in my heart:
"Ya Allah, Kuatnya Kak Sara. Semangat dia nak lawan penyakit teramatlah kuat! Dia tak pernah putus asa, tak pernah merungut."

You're my SUPERWOMAN, Kak Sara.

Dia jadikan LANCE ARMSTRONG sebagai idolanya. Untuk pengetahuan anda, Lance Armstrong juga menghidapi penyakit yang sama seperti Kak Sara. Tetapi disebabkan oleh kekentalan beliau, beliau telah pulih daripada penyakit yang beliau hadapi. Cuba bayangkan...

Ribuan terima kasih, Lance...

Walaupun Kak Sara dah 'bertarung' bermati-matian untuk melawan penyakitnya, akhirnya makhluk yang Allah ciptakan ini kalah jua atas takdir-Nya..

Aku tidak boleh bayangkan, bagaimana hidup yang akan dilalui oleh emaknya, yang juga maklang aku.. Bayangkanlah, maklang hanya ada seorang anak yang amat beliau sayangi..tapi, kini anak yang tersayang telah meninggalkan beliau.. Pastilah hidupnya sunyi..

TETAPI, MakLang juga kuat seperti anaknya. Beliau tabah menghadapi dugaan yang diberi oleh-Nya. Beliau tidak pernah menangis di depan aku. Tapi, aku dapat rasakan yang beliau menangis di dalam hati... Beliau tetap melayan aku seperti anaknya. Terharu juga~

Terima Kasih MakLang, Kak Sara...

Sedekahkanlah surah ini untuk arwah. Tak lama, beberapa minit sahaja...

Wan Maisara Amirah bt Wan Abdul Aziz ( 1988 - 2008 )

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's the reality.

Amatlah kecewa dengan sikap beliau...Teramat kecewa.
Ini sahaja yang mampu aku katakan setakat ini...

Tak sampai hati nak tulis pasal dia..Walaupun kecewa, aku tetap hormati beliau.
Kerana beliau sering buat aku teringatkan orang yang aku sayangi...
Terima kasih, 'beliau'..


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010


Mid term exam is just around the corner!! And the bad news is.....


Anyway, I target to beat the others this time. I won't let them beat me. I WON'T!
I promise I will do my best, the bestest... I aim the highest.

I will make my parents proud of me..
Yes Mama and Papa, I will... Your daughter really worked hard for this...

And Good luck too for the other students. Gambateh! Jia You!


Can't Get her Off My Mind..

"Kak Sara...Kak Sara...I miss you. Why you leave me alone? I need you."
It's always in my mind. ALWAYS...

I don't know why this can happen. We were not close. We never talk to each other. Even A WORD.
But why I can't stop thinking about her? WHY??? I still couldn't find the answer.

We both have a lot of similarity. A lot actually...
We love ARTS
We love GUITAR.

That's just some of the similarity...It takes time to write it here. Because it's a lot...

She's my role model. I like her personality. She's a good daughter. And a bright future student. Unfortunately, she's gone. She left me...She left us.

No matter what happen, You're always in my mind, Kak Sara...

Friday, May 07, 2010

I need a blue sky holiday...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Johnny, Zaroue, Sera....

When I kiss you..Mmuah!! Then I push you purposely..Johnny saw that, he laughed and said in his heart: " Seerve u rite!! dis is wat u get for stealing my GF.." lol. :p
Haha, my Zaroue wrote this on his wall. I'm shocked, really shocked! I thought he was kidding about that, Zaroue..But, he really proved it..

Goood job, my Zaroue !!! And thanks for being my besties...

Sorry, Herish...

Tomorrow , 24.04.2010....

Is Herishna's Birthday!!! hehe...It seems like I excited more than her. Apela...
Her name is Herishna Patel. She will get angry when I call her Patel..hik3
We are best friends, we are really close.
We laugh, smile, shout, gossips, hang out...together..
She is special. She can draw. Her sketch can beat designers'...seriously...
Sometimes, I'll be jealous.. because her sketch is superb!!! Two thumbs up for Herish !!! :p
Sorry, present for you. I can't go out to buy any present.You know my parents. I wish I could bake cake or cupcake as your birthday present. But, I don't even know how to bake...Shame for myself..
Atas ni gamba dulu-dulu yg I ambik..Ignore Reduan's finger...soo rude la that guy.
By the way, this 'Nikon D700' cake is for u, Herish.. I curi kat kedai camera hari tuh..hehe
Happy birthday, Herish!!! Mabuhay... be crazier, ok??? haha...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mabuhay, Fitri !

Today, 17.04.10 ( Saturday) is my friend's birthday...Sweet 19!! teehee...
His name is Muhammad Fitri bin Basri. He's my schoolmate. Form 6. Last year.

I'm very happy to have a friend like him.. I still remember the past :) The first time we met at school.
We were chatting till evening.. great topics, ya.
He is very friendly, funny, and yet quite 'crazy' ...It's ok, because me too, crazy...
He's now in MIAT, Kuala Lumpur.. Really miss him. We've lost contact..

Last but not least, Happy Birthday, Fit!!! Long live...Mabuhay!! (It means 'panjang umur' in Filipine language)
U will always in my mind..

Thanks, Mama Ja...

Yayay!!! My aunt bought for me my favourite stuffs~! Yahoo....

Levis jeans - Square cut...? at least, better than round cut right?? hehe..
Guess Handbag- Leather, coffee colour, and the design is superb!!
Sandal- a casual sandal..sweet purple colour.. ang there's a flower on top of it. NICE!!

Thank you, Mama Ja for those nice stuffs! I really appreaciate it...

I miss Le tour de Langkawi
I miss the moment
I miss my uncle
I miss the cyclists
I miss the photographers
I miss the cameraman
I miss the moment when Anuar Manan announced as the 'King of Sprint'
I miss stage 5
but, luckyly, Jelajah Malaysia is coming soon...Hooray!!!

I Have a Cousin
Her name is Wan Maisara Amirah bt Wan Abdul Aziz.I'm telling you this because she plays a big role in my life .

But on 9.15 p.m , 19th October 2008 , she passed away . I've known when I visited her , it'll be the last time I see her smile . She can talk, but unlike usual. She was grasping for air , all she could do was give a faint smile at me , and waved . Waved at me , for the last time .

She was studying Architecture in RMIT in Melbourne . She was a bright student . A caring sister , and an inspirational cousin .She was a talented photographer . Her artwork impressed me..She is my inspiration . Really ...

But on April 2008 , I heard from my aunt that she was diagnosed with Advanced Lung Cancer.I thought she was joking with me about Kak Sara... but, it's true..It just hard for me to accept it...

'She's a fighter, a strong fighter who never give up... ' I thought ..

Her cancer was too vigorous that it had reached up till stage 3B when detected . 3B ... 3B ...

This always in my mind: "Why does bad things happen to good people ? I was questioning a lot . I was angry . What had she done to deserve this .. ? Why .. ?

She came back to Malaysia and spent her remaining time here . Her family decided to give alternative medicine , and it seemed okay for a few weeks . I visited her just twice before she left us. And i knew, that will be the last time i see her smile.

There's one thing about her that really impressed me.She is really a fighter . I never heard her complaining even once . Her high spirits and usual giggle can fool others , but her eyes can't fool me . I can see that she is suffering..How strong she could be , while others around her were being so weak and vulnerable . I respected her .

By August , she had lost a lot of weight . She measured half her usual weight . I can see her , suffering . But still , as her usual self , was being happy as usual.
When she started on chemo , she wrote this on her blog ;

'Im not a delicate little flower, I'm a Superwoman'
I will always remember that.

Chemo kills cells . Any cell . Good and bad .

"Sakit pun sakit lah, I want to be healthy again!" she wrote this in her blog. She decided to go on with chemo even with her current condition , when she couldnt even hold the camera, when she could barely breathe, when she had a hard time walking ... . She had no energy left ,with a very high and hopeful and high spirit, she decided to go through her chemo She was still fighting her hardest to beat this .

After receiving the news of she passing away, my mood changed, badly. I was crying a lot because i lost someone really important in my life.

I will always remember you Kak Sara , for being huge part of my life .
And now I understand more , He loves you Sara . He choosed you to be with Him..

Yes .. I had a cousin ..

Al-Fatihah .

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Saya baru hari ini activate kan blog ni setelah setahun 'mengabaikannya'... Kerana masa tidak mengizinkan.. Ni pun rasa lega sikit, sbb hari ni baru lepas habis exam..